3 Underserved Topics to Go After in the Aged Care Industry
Do you need help coming up with fresh topics for your health & wellness content?
It can be easy to feel like every topic has already been covered, but the truth is, there are always untapped opportunities.
Today, I want to show you that there are still plenty of underserved searches in the aged care industry, waiting for aged care marketers to create content that answers what people are asking.
Let’s dive in and discover some of the best ways to find these hidden gems.
1 – Nutrition in Elderly – Is {food} good for elderly
When we search for the query: “is avocado good for elderly” (a query with a low search volume), we only see American websites, including Medium.com. The first Australian Aged Care website that will answer this query will rank on the first page of Google.
And the same goes for all these queries:
- is banana good for elderly
- is chicken good for elderly
- is rice good for elderly
…and the list is almost infinite.
While each query may have less than 100 searches per month, thousands of different food could be covered.
2 – Resource for caregivers and aged care healthcare providers
While conducting some research, I found a pattern in the searched keywords. Many caregivers and maybe healthcare providers are asking questions to Google with this format:
“What does it mean when an elderly {does something}”.
Here are some examples:
- What does it mean when an elderly person sleeps all the time?
- What does it mean when an elderly person does not want to eat?
- What does it mean when an elderly person’s feet turn purple?
There are thousands of related questions.
3 – Resource based on age
In your usual keyword research tool, search for the following keywords: “for 90 year old”. Export the data and immediately find dozens of topics to cover:
- What do you give someone who is turning 90?
- What can a 90-year-old do?
- Is there a special flower for a 90th birthday?
- What should I get my grandma for 90?
- How do you host a 90th birthday?
For Aged Care or for any other Health & Wellness websites, there are many untapped keywords to target to attract more organic visitors. If you wish to discuss all these opportunities with us, we would be more than happy to talk to you.
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